Thursday, April 24, 2014

Great Minds...

Surfing the internet I found this...

This is from my first semester...

I can't believe how similar our work is. I can't believe she's selling these. Good lesson for me. Stop underestimating myself and my worth.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Pieces of me. pieces of we

This school year I have collected the detritus of the art room and created pieces from it. Art from art mishaps. A book made from the inking table.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Glorious Nature, Colorful Crowns

You really notice trees in the windy rainy weather.
This morning I saw an enormous tree that had fallen due to the weather. Some thing about the giant fallen tree reminded me of this project.

 I'm inspired to continue working on these. They're sort of crowns related to the rings of the tree. There are sticks and bark imbedded into the sides. Here's the Gracious Grace modeling the crowns.